day care
day care at rowan house
Rowan House offers day care services 7 days a week. Our day care service provides our clients with the opportunity to get out of their homes and socialise with others in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, as well as providing respite benefits for our clients carers. More personal services such as bathing are available. Trips out can be organised upon request. Join us for the day and soak up the friendly atmosphere, chat with our residents and use our facilities with our dedicated team of carers on hand to help. A two course hot lunch is provided and transport to and from your home can be arranged. If you are interested in our Day Care services for yourself, a friend or a loved one please get in touch.
Day Trips
Day trips from Rowan House can be organised upon request. Trips out vary and include going to the seaside, countryside, pub lunches, cream teas and local garden and shopping centres. We welcome new suggestions for day trips and will accommodate them where possible. The day always includes lunch, either at Rowan House, a meal out or a picnic. If you are interested in our Day Care services for yourself, a friend or a loved one please get in touch.
Get in touch to arrange a chat about the needs of you or a loved one for residential care, home help, day care or respite care.